Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Airplanes & helicopters flying overhead...

     There was a lot that happened during my day...  I would say the most regular thing that happened was that every 15 min to half hour there were either airplanes or helicopters flying over head.  It was hard to resist watching them all.  They were so incredibly loud.  The way the propellers chopped thru the air above from the planes.  The tin cans soaring overhead with speed on a mission to put out the fires.  A direct flight path to the fires that were still burning behind Boulder.   The helicopters blades chopping thru the sky making it hard to know precisely where they are located.  To the east?  No to the south, or wait I hear them hiding out behind these huge trees... but where are they?  OH there it is... Snap that is loud... it was an erie feeling mixed with sadness of the fires burning and the homes burned down, people and animals displaced.  Smoke filling the air which fills the lungs and stings the throat and burns the eyes.  Throughout the day it started to disperse and clear up.  The coolest thing was that by the end of the day it clouded over with real clouds and rained... before the sun set there was a rainbow to the east... a double rainbow.  A sign of healing for all that lost homes and the land that was burned.  

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